Freitag, 3. Juni 2011

Dating Foreign Men

Dating a foreign man can be an exciting experience and different than what you are used to. There are a number of differences in cultural relations and habits. Besides chemistry and love, there are many other factors and dynamics incorporated in a relationship with a foreign man. Remember, that you are also foreign in his eyes, so read on to be prepared if you are serious about dating a foreign man. Make sure that this is your choice to date a man from a foreign country and not an only option.

Research his culture. Find out as much as you can about the country and culture he comes from. You should be aware that things that are the norm in your culture might be considered as taboo in his. You can avoid misunderstandings and awkward moments but knowing what not to say or do before you go out on a date with him. Look at more sources than travel guides as some travel guides might give a negative view on the culture and of men.

Know a few words in his language. Even though he might speak fluent English, it’s a very nice gesture to pick up the basics in his language and try it out on him. Buy a phrase book and learn some sentences enough to impress him. If you really like him, it might be a good idea to invest money in some language software or search the Internet for online language courses.

Contact his embassy in your country. A nice way to get involved in cultural activities of his country is to contact his embassy or consulate and let them know you would like to gain cultural experience. Ask for volunteer opportunities and see if you can get involved in a local community.

Take a trip to his country. Take a trip to his country with a few friends or a group. Traveling will make you feel great and you will gain a lot of cultural experiences that you can share with your date.

Check out dating websites that specialize in foreign dating. There are many websites out there which specialize in dating foreigners. The Internet is a great tool making it more efficient to find a foreign date. Be aware of Internet dating scams though and report any suspicious activity.

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